Facebook is a great way to increase your job prospects. It can help you find job vacancies that you won’t find anywhere else and allow you to network with hiring managers. However, due to the informal nature of the site candidates can sometimes come across as unprofessional or unsuitable. Here are 6 key dos and don’ts when using Facebook to improve your prospects and help you find your next job!
DO – Join Groups
There are lots of groups on Facebook that have been created specifically to advertise jobs. Joining local job groups will keep you up to date with the latest vacancies in your area and help you to interact directly with hiring managers. You’ll also be able to ask other group members for advice and guidance on your job search.
DO – Like Company Pages
Lots of businesses post their latest vacancies onto their company’s Facebook page. Liking a company’s Facebook page will help to keep you informed of new job vacancies that may not be posted elsewhere. It’s also possible to contact a company directly through their Facebook page, making it much easier to ask about potential job openings and clear up any confusion about their application processes.
DON’T - Be Unprofessional
Just because you’re using Facebook to interact with a hiring manager, doesn’t mean you can act unprofessional. Make sure that you remain professional on the site during your job search to improve your prospects. Maintaining a professional manner when connecting with companies on Facebook will help to create a great first impression and help you to progress.
DO – Manage Your Content
If you’re using Facebook to find a job, make sure that the content you’re posting is appropriate. If you’re profile is full of status updates featuring bad language then your Facebook presence may hinder rather than aid your job search. If you don’t think your Facebook profile is suitable for employers to see, ensure you update your privacy settings!
DON’T – Have an Inappropriate Profile Picture
Make sure that if there is any information you don’t want to be made public to change your privacy settings on your Facebook account. However, whether you have set your Facebook profile to private or not an employer is still likely to see your profile picture. It’s really important that what you choose to set as your profile image is appropriate and won’t harm your professional reputation. Typically, if you wouldn’t want your relatives to see it then you definitely don’t want an employer seeing it!
DO – Keep an Eye Out for New Opportunities!
Facebook is changing - specifically the way in which the site can help you search and apply for jobs. They are rolling out a new jobs tab that will allow you to search and apply for jobs in your area. The new feature is designed to make it much easier to find jobs and interact with hiring managers. It will be available in the UK very soon, so be sure to keep an eye out for its release!
Looking for a change of career? Why not like us on Facebook to keep up to date with the latest vacancies in your area! https://www.facebook.com/baxterpersonnel/