How To Effectively Job Search Online

The internet has transformed the way in which we can search and apply for jobs. It can help to wider your search, save valuable time and can even introduce you to a new career you may have not have previously considered. The internet has also made it easier to connect with a potential employer and other professionals, where you can network with them before you even meet in person.

The internet has transformed the way in which we can search and apply for jobs. It can help to wider your search, save valuable time and can even introduce you to a new career you may have not have previously considered.

The internet has also made it easier to connect with a potential employer and other professionals, where you can network with them before you even meet in person.  

Planning your search effectively can help you land your ideal job, to help you with this we have devised a list of the 5 best places to search online:

1) Try Recruitment:
Recruitment agencies are a helpful source in searching for a new job. They often advertise vacancies which aren’t available to apply for anywhere else and can work with some high profile clients. Their website is also a great place to register your CV if you can’t find a suitable role advertised at the time, they will then be able to contact you when something more relevant becomes available. Don’t forget you can register your CV with us here.

2) Go Social:
Social Media is a great starting point in finding your next job role and you can do this across all networks. LinkedIn is the network of choice for professionals, as you can connect with people in your sector, join job boards and share endorsements.  However, Facebook and Twitter are also ideal for joining job groups and taking part in ‘local hours’ to find work. But don’t forget your social media etiquette when job hunting, as a potential employer may just come across your profile.

3) Search Job Boards:
There are lots of job boards available to access online, some of them even specialising in a certain industry. Similar to recruitment agencies’ websites, job boards will usually let you upload a copy of your CV and set any work preferences, making it easier for a potential employer to find your CV.

4) Sign Up To Alerts:
Many recruitment companies and job boards have the option to sign up for job alerts. Quite often you can tailor the alerts to suit your work preferences. These alerts will be delivered straight into your inbox, making it easy to view any new positions. You can receive our latest job alerts by signing up to our newsletter here.

5) Go Offline:
Don’t forget you can still find a new role by using traditional job hunting methods. Newspapers, physical job adverts and trade magazines are still great places to search. Also don’t forget you can physically network with potential employers at local job fairs. 


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